Initiative modifiers

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This page contains some non specific data which NEEDS SPADING:
How exactly is initiative calculated? How is randomness added?
  • Initiative determined who attacks first, you or your foe.
  • According to the manual, initiative is calculated as a function of dodge, Intellect and initiative modifiers.
  • Whoever has the higher initiative value, wins.
  • Amounts for Skills are affected by S, the number of skill points invested in the skill.
Source Source type Increase Duration Requirements Notes
Premonition Psion Passive Skill 5 + 2*S + (level/5) Always Level 5
Asp Evader Transportation 10% Always
camouflage dungarees Full-body suit 10% Always Level 7
Crystallizer of Dreams Offhand Item 10% Always Level 40 10% physical damage absorption
+50 spell damage
xelor watch Accessory 10% Always Level 5
xentrium axe Melee weapon 10% Always Level 14 +10 to hit
xentrium crossbow Ranged weapon 10% Always Level 14 +10 to hit
Gaul blatter Ranged weapon 5% Always Level 16 +10 to hit
Viking Games jersey Shirt 5% Always +10% Strength
+10% Reflexes
+5% to your maximum Hit Points
+5 XP per combat
dashing shoes Boots 3% Always Level 15 +5% Strength
Sniper Gadgeteer Passive Skill 10 + 2*S Always Level 15 +5 + 2*S ranged damage
The Bee's Knees Item 20 90 minutes Obtained from bug pill
Mantis Reflexes Naturalist Buff 5 + S 30 + 3*S minutes +5 + S Reflexes
olivine ion stone Accessory 15 Always Level 9
Purple Cowardice Item 15 30 minutes Obtained from purple pill.
+15 Reflexes
deterministic coin Offhand Item 10 Always Level 6
UltraSport jersey Shirt 10 Always Level 12 +30 to maximum PP
Upgrade Armor: Motorized Gadgeteer Skill 5 + S 20-40 minutes Level 5 4 + (S/2) Reflexes (10 for S=10)
Skill points invested in Upgrade Armor
Duration depends on Improved Tinkering
antsy pants Pants 5 Always Level 9 +5 foe toughness.
cat suit Full-body suit 5 Always
digital rapier Melee weapon 5 Always Level 3 +10 to hit
moonbow Ranged weapon 5 Always
motorcycle Transportation 5 Always
yule thinking perch Offhand Item 4 Always
Amazing Technicolor Dreampants Pants ? One turn When trigger Orange
Other beneficiary effects
discount pants Pants -3 Always +3% item drops
-3 Reflexes
iron-toe boots Boots -5 Always Level 9 +3 foe toughness.
+3 offense
+3 defense
Playing Fifty-two Pickup Item -5 30 minutes Obtained from magic deck of cards being used on you
poofy skirt Pants -5 Always Level 8 +2 damage absorption
skateboard Transportation -5 Always
unbranded jalopy Transportation -5 Always
fins Boots -20% Always A component of equipment required to breathe under water.

Modifiers List
Strength modifiers | Intellect modifiers | Reflexes modifiers | HP modifiers | PP modifiers
Hit Chance modifiers | Critical Hit Chance | Fumble Chance | Spell Critical Chance
Initiative modifiers | Offense modifiers | Extra attacks | Stunning
Bonus melee damage | Bonus ranged damage | Bonus spell damage | Bonus elemental damage | Strike-back damage
Damage absorption | Elemental resistance | Dodging modifiers | Defense modifiers
Chips Drop modifiers | Item Drop modifiers | XP modifiers
Skill Cost modifiers | Time modifiers | Foe Toughness modifiers | Combat chance modifiers | Special abilities
HP Regeneration | PP Regeneration