Chips Drop modifiers

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  • All chips drop modifiers except those from sidekicks apply to both combat and noncombat adventures.
  • Percentile modifiers are applied before constant modifiers.
  • Amounts for Skills are affected by S, the number of skill points invested in the skill.
Source Source type Increase Duration Requirements Notes
Clockwork ant Sidekick 50% 180 minutes Obtained from clockwork ant
Feeling Lucky Item 50% 90 minutes Obtained from Philtre of fortune
Aura: Keen Observation Psion Skill 20% + S% 30 minutes Level 8 +1% + (S/2)% XP per combat
Extortionist Sidekick 30% Permanent Enabled from banned book
Snout of the Swine Naturalist Buff 15% + S% 30 + 3*S minutes
dice keychain Talisman 20% Always -1 PP per turn
Mafia informer Sidekick 20% 60 Minutes Obtained from Twilight Gold card‎
Xam's pouch of generosity Accessory 12% Always Level 8
foxy sombrero mask Helmet 10% Always +8% chance of enemy fumbles
You can leave your fiery mark on opponents if they fumble
insanely super XL bowl Accessory 10% Always +10% item drops
+10% spell damage - for Elementals only
jade ion stone Accessory 10% Always Level 9
plastiscanner Offhand item 10% Always Level 12
Roderick's Boots Boots 10% Always +5 Reflexes
Grants wearer the ability for super jumps
Provides +10% Reflexes if set worn
Ultimate Aviator Goggles Talisman 10% Always +2 PP per turn
Grants wearer the ability to fly
-5% item drops
Atmos Spear (shortened) Melee weapon 7% Always +20 to maximum HP
Grants wearer the ability to fly
Can call down lightning 5 times per day.
imperial diadem Helmet 7% Always Level 10 +6 foe toughness
sunglasses Accessory 6% Always Level 5
long arm of the law Melee weapon 5% Always Level 6
longbow of the law Ranged weapon 5% Always Level 6
monarch butterfly pin Accessory 5% Always
oculum felis Offhand item 5% Always Level 9
royal crown Helmet 5% Always Level 8
coldfinger gloves Gloves 4% Always Level 5 -5 to hit
The Shark's darts Ranged weapon 4% Always Level 6 +1 extra attack(s) per turn
-4% chance of weapon fumbles
chip loafers Boots 3% Always Level 10
five-finger discount gloves Gloves 3% Always Level 9 +3 foe toughness
-10% psychic damage resistance
sarge lack Offhand item 3% Always Level 2
robbin' hood Helmet 3% Always Level 10 +3 Ranged damage
+3 to hit
Louie Baton bag Accessory 1% Always
smoky goggles Accessory 1% Always -5% item drops
Blues musician Sidekick 40 45 minutes Obtained from Harmonica
Financial Prudence Software 20/30 (10% chance) Obtained from running Destitute Dick's Penny-Pincher Program
Winsday day of the week 5 Always
Feeling Flush Item ? 60 minutes Sometimes obtained from playing card
Gwneuthurwr Deganau's hunllef puzzle Accessory ? One turn When trigger Yellow
Other beneficial results
Publicist Sidekick ? 120 Minutes Obtained from League of Self Promoters‎
singed wallet Accessory -5% Always +1% item drops
Ebon Eye of the Deep Talisman -20% Always +5% of weapon damage returned as PP
+15 spell damage
law suit Full-body suit -20% Always Level 10 +10 psychic damage
Take 1 psychic damage per round of combat


Modifiers List
Strength modifiers | Intellect modifiers | Reflexes modifiers | HP modifiers | PP modifiers
Hit Chance modifiers | Critical Hit Chance | Fumble Chance | Spell Critical Chance
Initiative modifiers | Offense modifiers | Extra attacks | Stunning
Bonus melee damage | Bonus ranged damage | Bonus spell damage | Bonus elemental damage | Strike-back damage
Damage absorption | Elemental resistance | Dodging modifiers | Defense modifiers
Chips Drop modifiers | Item Drop modifiers | XP modifiers
Skill Cost modifiers | Time modifiers | Foe Toughness modifiers | Combat chance modifiers | Special abilities
HP Regeneration | PP Regeneration