Combat chance modifiers

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  • Each area has a rate of combats vs. noncombats. However, this rate can be modified by using the following items and effects.
  • Combat chances can only be increased/decreased by up to 20%.
  • Except for Skills, these all effect combat chance by +/- 5%. Skills effect combat and by an amount which depends on S, the number of skill points invested.
Source Source type Combat chance Duration Requirements Notes
Aura: Attractive Magnetism Psion Skill +3% + S*0.3% 30 minutes Level 16 Skill points are invested in Aura: Mental Magnetism
Sinus of the Shark Naturalist buff +3% + S*0.3% 30 + 3*S minutes
Ali C bling Accessory +5% Always Level 4
Clasped Cape of Compassionate Confrontation Accessory +5% Always Level 10 Increases the effectiveness of reputation-affecting choices.
Hear Me Roar Item +5% 90 minutes Obtained from lion pill
Hobbes' nail boots Boots +5% Always +5 Melee damage
Occasionally grants a bonus tiger pounce attack if you win initiative.
+5% item drops
targe vert with human rampant Offhand Item +5% Always Level 12
Targeting Trouble software +5% Obtained from MacRuff's Mercantile Monitor software
Treader of the Dust's Sandals Boots +5% Always Level 55 +10 PP per turn
+10 Weapon damage (ranged or melee)
-5 seconds to the duration of each turn
Inky as Mother Night Item -5% 40 minutes Obtained from squidopus ink
Mummers' gloves Gloves -5% Always Can generate an invisible box 5 times per day.
Occasionally perpetrates mimery.
+5% Reflexes
Robe of Summanus Full-body suit -5% Always Level 40 +6% chance of critical hits.
+10% resist fire, ice, electric, and acid damage
Increases the effectiveness of reputation-affecting choices
Rolled Doll dahl Offhand Item -5% Always
Seeking Solitude software -5% perpetual Obtained from Garcia's Traffic Avoider software
Shining Trapezohedron Accessory -5% Always Level 55 +10 HP per turn
sneakiers Boots -5% Always Level 8
Stiletto Shoes of Stealthy Subtlety Boots -5% Always Level 10 +5% Reflexes
Aura: Repulsive Magnetism Psion Skill -3% - S*0.3% 30 minutes Level 16 Skill points are invested in Aura: Mental Magnetism
Stealth Gadgeteer buff -3% - S*0.3% 20-40 minutes Duration depends on Improved Tinkering

Modifiers List
Strength modifiers | Intellect modifiers | Reflexes modifiers | HP modifiers | PP modifiers
Hit Chance modifiers | Critical Hit Chance | Fumble Chance | Spell Critical Chance
Initiative modifiers | Offense modifiers | Extra attacks | Stunning
Bonus melee damage | Bonus ranged damage | Bonus spell damage | Bonus elemental damage | Strike-back damage
Damage absorption | Elemental resistance | Dodging modifiers | Defense modifiers
Chips Drop modifiers | Item Drop modifiers | XP modifiers
Skill Cost modifiers | Time modifiers | Foe Toughness modifiers | Combat chance modifiers | Special abilities
HP Regeneration | PP Regeneration