Damage absorption

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Revision as of 02:35, 23 September 2011 by Valmo (talk | contribs) (New items)
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  • Each point of damage absorption absorbs one damage when you are hit. This effect takes place after the damage calculation based on offense and defense is done.
  • Percentile absorb is done independently of non-percentile absorb, and are applied on the total damage.
  • Amounts for Skills are affected by S, the number of skill points invested in the skill.
Source Source type Increase Duration Requirements Notes
Detachment Psion Skill 20% + S% 30 minutes Level 14 +20 - S seconds to the duration of each turn
Crystallizer of Dreams Offhand Item 10% Always Level 40 +50 spell damage
+10% to initiative
crumbling shield Offhand Item 5% Always Level 9 +5 dodging ability
Armadillo Armor Naturalist Buff 2 + S + round(level/6) 30 + 3*S minutes
roboto shield Offhand Item 20 Always Level 13
Aegis Flux Incapacitor Offhand Item 1*Level, cap 20 Always Can discharge elemental attacks
+20% resist fire, ice, electric, and acid damage
Attacker takes 5 damage
+20 to maximum HP
Zorromir's double tower shield Offhand Item 1*Level, cap 20 Always Allows you to use a battle cry
+3% of weapon damage returned as HP
+X offense (+5/level, max: +60) (requires set)
portable desk Offhand Item 15 Always Level 12
brick wall Offhand Item 10 Always Level 9 -33% Strength
Plump with Laughter Item 10 90 minutes Obtained from berry pills
Upgrade Armor: Superabsorbance Gadgeteer Skill 2 + (S/2)
8 for S=10
30-50 minutes Level 2 Skill points invested in Upgrade Armor
Duration depends on Improved Tinkering
Vortex suit Full-body suit 6 Always Occasional super weapon attacks
+25% base metal drops
Bowler's Sticky Wicket Talisman 5 Always +30% Intellect
+20% spell damage
-15% defense
chain coif Helmet 5 Always Level 11
chain cuirass Shirt 5 Always Level 11 -5 to initiative
chain cuisses Pants 5 Always Level 11 -5 to initiative
chain gauntlets Gloves 5 Always Level 11
chain sabaton Boots 5 Always Level 11
heavy duty jacket Shirt 5 Always Level 15 +10% Strength
insanely super bowl breastplate Shirt 5 Always 20% sugar item drops
+10% Reflexes - for Gadgeteers only
Little Yellow Indifferent Item 5 30 minutes Obtained from little yellow pill
metal hockey mask Helmet 5 Always Level 13 -5 foe toughness
+5 weapon damage
Gives wearer a slightly brutish appearance
Plated Pantaloons of Pretentious Potency Pants 5 Always Level 10 +5% Strength
pseudo-chitin armor Full-body suit 5 Always Level 8 +5% acid damage resistance
Attacker takes 3 damage
silenced mail shirt Shirt 5 Always Level 11 +5 to initiative
silenced mail leggings Pants 5 Always Level 11 +5 to initiative
Tangled Up in Two Item 5 60 minutes Obtained from lost soul
+2% chance of fumbles
+25% psychic resistance
Tempest's Brooch Talisman 5 Always +30% Intellect
+20% spell damage
-15% defense
three-speed bicycle shorts (high gear) Pants 5 Always Level 10 -15 seconds to the duration of each turn
Regenerates PP as a function of level
docker's pants Pants 4 Always Level 6
Euphoria Item 4 60 minutes Obtained from white pill and liao
+100% XP per combat
+100% to maximum HP
In practice halved due to Utter Wretchedness
eyepatch Accessory 4 Always Level 10
heavy, heavy plate Full-body suit 4 Always Level 9 +10 foe toughness.
Mummified Item 4 120 minutes Obtained from unsanitary gauze
-2 HP regen/turn
padded pants Pants 4 Always Level 4
blockheaded hat Helmet 3 Always Level 10 -33% Intellect
Live Twice Item 3 60 minutes Obtained from spy disguise
Soft Wear Effect 3 65 minutes Gained from There's a Blog.Org for This
The Slime's snuggie Full-body suit 3 Always Level 11 +50% acid damage resistance
stuffed shirt Shirt 3 Always Level 3
body pillow Offhand Item 2 Always Level 2
catcher's mitt Gloves 2 Always +4% chance of weapon fumbles
polychloroprene gloves Gloves 2 Always Level 5
stamped boots of stamping Boots 2 Always Level 7 Attacker takes 6 damage
Biff Socko's socks Boots 2 Always Level 5 +5% Reflexes
Blue's crushed velvet wristband Accessory 2 Always Level 6 +10% Strength
catcher's mask Helmet 2 Always Level 3
crystalline slippers Boots 2 Always Level 5 +15 damage against wicked stepmothers
poofy skirt Pants 2 Always Level 8 -5 to initiative
starched shirt Shirt 2 Always Level 7
yule shield Offhand Item 2 Always
Alfred bear Offhand Item 1 Always Cute and cuddly!
carapace shield Offhand Item 1 Always Level 4
felt caffeine molecule Offhand Item 1 Always Cute and cuddly!
fuzzy orange critter Offhand Item 1 Always Cute and cuddly!
kneepads Accessory 1 Always
low-jump boots Boots 1 Always Level 9 -33% Reflexes
Lug-Nut Keychain Talisman 1 Always -1 Strength
my little unicorn Offhand Item 1 Always Cute and cuddly!
nicknack Accessory 1 Always Level 7 +1 foe toughness
+1 weapon damage (ranged or melee)
+1 spell damage
+1% item drops
+1% chips
+1% effectiveness from your sidekick
padded cap Helmet 1 Always
plush dragon Offhand Item 1 Always Cute and cuddly!
robotic puppy Offhand Item 1 Always Cute and cuddly!
teddy bear Offhand Item 1 Always Cute and cuddly!
vellux rabbit Offhand Item 1 Always Cute and cuddly!
velour elephant Offhand Item 1 Always Cute and cuddly!
velveteen pony Offhand Item 1 Always Cute and cuddly!
Black robot Sidekick ? 120 minutes Obtained from black robot
Clockwork armadillo Sidekick ? 180 minutes Obtained from clockwork armadillo
Ferric man Sidekick ? 120 minutes Obtained from ferric man
Free dummy Sidekick ? 60 minutes Obtained from mismatched earring
Breaks after some damage
genuine lookalike World Series 2008 ring Talisman -2 Always +30% resist fire, ice, electric, and acid damage
Utter Wretchedness Item -2 240 minutes Obtained from white pill and liao
-50% XP per combat
-50% to maximum HP


Modifiers List
Strength modifiers | Intellect modifiers | Reflexes modifiers | HP modifiers | PP modifiers
Hit Chance modifiers | Critical Hit Chance | Fumble Chance | Spell Critical Chance
Initiative modifiers | Offense modifiers | Extra attacks | Stunning
Bonus melee damage | Bonus ranged damage | Bonus spell damage | Bonus elemental damage | Strike-back damage
Damage absorption | Elemental resistance | Dodging modifiers | Defense modifiers
Chips Drop modifiers | Item Drop modifiers | XP modifiers
Skill Cost modifiers | Time modifiers | Foe Toughness modifiers | Combat chance modifiers | Special abilities
HP Regeneration | PP Regeneration