NCI Live building

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Cspider.gif This page relates to a reported minor bug:
Patrol Again link in room 15 points to room 35

NCI Live building
Location: (Jekyll and) Hyde Park
Unlocks: during Cat and Mick-y Mouse Game
Combat %: unknown
Foe XP range:
ID: 55

The Mick is somewhere in here. Can you find him before it's too late?

  • NCI Live building opens as you approach Rand for the second time during Cat and Mick-y Mouse Game.
  • The location includes 35 rooms numbered from left to right, from top to bottom, skipping levels 6 and 7.
  • A room can be in one of three states:
    • Can-visit.gif - accessible for visit. Once a certain number of foes are defeated, or non combats are encountered, become clear
    • Cant-visit.gif - not accessible yet
    • Perpetual.gif - perpetual access
    • Clear.gif - cleared, cannot be accessed any more
  • You start with only room 26 available.

Room 1

What the $%&@^*

Room 2

The Mick

Item Drops: blue chip, the Mick's sketchy candy, trimensional cortex

Experience Gained: scaling

Opens room 1.

Room 3

Return of the Understudy

Opens room 2

Room 4

Opens room 3

Room 5

Opens room 4

Room 6

You toss up the grappling hook, latch it onto some cross-beams way up there, and shimmy your way on up the rope. Uh-oh, looks like someone's waiting for you at the top!

Opens room 7

Room 7

Opens room 8

Room 8

Not-Okay Corral

office frontiersman

Item Drops: sharpshooter's rifle, buckskin coat

Chip Drops: some

Experience Gained: 135

Notes: Beating 6 enables David C. Rockett

David C. Rockett

Item Drops: sharpshooter's rifle, buckskin coat, Rockett's coonskin cap

Chip Drops: some

Experience Gained: 145

Big Adventure

Opens room 9

Room 9

Opens room 10

Room 10

Opens room 5

Room 11

Opens rooms 6

Room 12

Opens rooms 11

Room 13

Opens rooms 12

Room 14

Opens rooms 13, 15

Room 15


Room 16

A Duel to the Death! Well, to the Pain

Room 17

Opens room 16

Room 18

Opens room 17

Room 19

Opens room 14, 18

Room 20

Opens room 19

Room 21


Room 22

Opens room 21

Room 23

Before Information Technology's Secret Weapon (with paperclip):


Gonna Let the Elevator Bring Us Down

Hm, the elevator doesn't seem to be working. That's gonna be a problem. They must have locked all the machinery down. You're going to have to find some stairs or figure out how to turn this thing back on.

After Information Technology's Secret Weapon (with paperclip):

Opens 22 and 24

Room 24

Attica Gets No Respect

office hoplite

Item Drops: hoplon, hoplite sword

Chip Drops: some

Experience Gained: 123

Betrayed By the One He Mocked

Leon Idas

Item Drops: hoplite sword

Chip Drops: some

Experience Gained: 130

opens room 25

Room 25

opens room 20

Room 26

Petty Theft (room 26)

Notes: followed by ultimate security guard

ultimate security guard

Chip Drops: some

Experience Gained: 115

Notes: defeating four opens room 27

Room 27

opens room 28

Room 28

General encounter.

opens room 29

Room 29

General encounter.

opens room 23, 30 and 34

Room 30

Room 31

Information Technology's Secret Weapon (without paperclip)

Notes: If you don't have combat paperclip in your inventory

Information Technology's Secret Weapon (with paperclip)

  • Experience: 200


Room 32

General encounter.

opens room 31

Room 33

General encounter.

opens room 32

Room 34

Requires super jumping or you get:


Holy Floors with Holes in Them, <name>!

For about a quarter of a second you consider jumping through the hole in the floor here, but then decide that's a bad idea. For one thing, you don't know how to get back up. What if it's a trap? What if you starve to death down there?

Playing it safe isn't exactly your thing, but in this case you probably ought to be prepared with some super-jump option before going down there.

General encounter.

opens room 33 and 35

Room 35

Perpetual access.

General encounters


intimidating janitor

Item Drops: combat paperclip, epic mop

Chip Drops: some

Experience Gained: 117

femaleroom clerk

Item Drops: throwing pen

Chip Drops: some

Experience Gained: 116

catfish lawyer

Item Drops: attache case, chip loafers, legal briefs

Chip Drops: 93-154

Experience Gained: 123


Item Drops: shocker pen, bubble gum, relaxing flats, nail file

Chip Drops: some

Experience Gained: 115

mailroom clerk

Item Drops: chain links, chain links

Chip Drops: some

Experience Gained: 116

maleroom clerk

Item Drops: paper cut gloves, taped glasses, Manly Man energy drink

Chip Drops: 87-144

Experience Gained: 115

IT drone

Item Drops: taped glasses, SQUID disc: Brain Computers and You

Chip Drops: some

Experience Gained: 115

killer printer

Item Drops: power converter, mangled data plate, titanium plating, electronic cabling, nanoprocessor

Chip Drops: some

Experience Gained: 127

hatchet-handed executive

Item Drops: hatchet, off-handed hatchet, shrunken head

Chip Drops: 100-167

Experience Gained: 133

inept engineer

Item Drops: SQUID disc: Slacking for Slackers, scorched coffee

Chip Drops: some

Experience Gained: 124

high-sailing accountant

Item Drops: eyepatch, red pen, rubber cutlass

Chip Drops: 94-157

Experience Gained: 125

pointy-haired executive

Item Drops: employee manual, power tie, staff of meeting

Chip Drops: 99-164

Experience Gained: 131

Mr. Stoat

Item Drops: slick suit, long knife

Chip Drops: some

Experience Gained: 134

professional sycophant

Chip Drops: some

Experience Gained: 130

corporate espionage specialist

Item Drops: explosive briefing, scavenged death ray, Lil' Jerk Disguise Kit

Chip Drops: some

Experience Gained: 135

gonzo accountant

Item Drops: swingline stapler

Chip Drops: some

Experience Gained: 125

CEO's secretary

Item Drops: combat paperclip, alluring business suit, switchboard garrote

Chip Drops: some

Experience Gained: 135

paralegal paramour

Item Drops: relaxing flats, dainty glasses, box of files, alluring business suit

Chip Drops: some

Experience Gained: 123

inHumane Resources harpy

Item Drops: benefits package, razor claw, razor claw

Chip Drops: some

Experience Gained: 127


Petty Theft
  • Chip Drops: 100-120

Shouldn't This Be At the Casino?

  • Experience: ?-101-125-?