Assembly Items

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Assembly takes place on the workbench.

Items Creates Category Power Level




candy shell

+ snackers candy bar

acclaim bar Miscellaneous Item NA 3 100 Sugar
aqua melior

+ green residue

age pill Miscellaneous Item NA NA 375 Gives Nicely Aged effect
larchwood staff

+ Xelor watch

archron's staff Melee Weapon 60 7 125 +10 spell damage
-5 seconds to the duration of each turn

+ xentrium barding

armored pegasus Transportation NA 12 1000 Grants wearer the ability to fly
-10 seconds to the duration of each turn
Schrodinger's Box

+ Thunder in a Bottle

Astral Monkey's Paw Necklace Talisman NA NA NA +15% Strength
+10% to your maximum Hit Points
-5% Intellect
signal processing code

+ financial spreadsheet code

Astral Stock Exchange software Miscellaneous Item NA NA 35 Betting on the Stars
athelas leaf

+ cup of herbal tea

athelas tea Miscellaneous Item NA NA 1 HP Restoration

+ transparent tincture

atmosphereum slurry Miscellaneous Item NA 6 200 Sugar
Gives Slurried effect
smoldering ash

+ baseball bat

bat out of Hell Melee Weapon 115 10 180 +10% to hit
aqua melior

+ russet lump

berry pills Miscellaneous Item NA NA 375 Gives Plump with Laughter effect
black flakes

+ blank white card

black card Miscellaneous Item NA NA 75 Combat usable
gloveless fingers

+ fingerless gloves

black gloves Gloves 9 8 128 +4% chance of critical hits.
glob of goo

+ playing card

blank white card Miscellaneous Item NA NA 50 Gives Nomic effect
playing card

+ wight out

blank white card Miscellaneous Item NA NA 50 Gives Nomic effect
black hood

+ pile of bricks

blockheaded hat Helmet 57 10 155 +3 damage absorption
-33% Intellect
blue chip

+ jack boots

blue chip socks Accessory NA 10 3,000 +2% XP per combat
+10 foe toughness
processor spear

+ blue smoke darts

blue lawn dart Miscellaneous Item NA NA 400 Combat usable
wad of cashmere

+ grey wolf pajamas

blue lynx pajamas Full-body Suit 60 N/A 500 +5 dodging ability
+5 melee damage - for Naturalists only

+ blue smoke

blue smoke darts Ranged Weapon 25 NA 300 Improved computer interaction
+10% spell damage on electric spells
aqua melior

+ golden powder

box pill Miscellaneous Item NA NA 375 Gives Well Packaged effect
pile of bricks

+ pile of bricks

brick outhouse Miscellaneous Item NA NA 150 Can be used as a resting tool.
lead pipe

+ pile of bricks

brick wall Offhand Item 39 9 145 +10 damage absorption
-33% strength
aqua melior

+ greyish scobs

bug pill Miscellaneous Item NA NA 375 Gives The Bee's Knees effect
blank white card

+ squidopus ink

calling card Miscellaneous Item NA NA 75 Combat usable
wad of cashmere

+ candy shell

candy covered cashmere Miscellaneous Item NA 5 0 Sugar
Gives Cashmere Mouth effect
candy shell

+ string necklace

candy necklace Accessory NA NA 90 Sugar
Santa Claus belly (+20% sugar item drops)
cashmere scarf

+ cashmere scarf

cashmere mobius scarf Accessory NA 5 80 -5 seconds to the duration of each turn
cashmere yarn

+ cashmere yarn

cashmere scarf Accessory NA 5 40 +5% chips
+5% ice resistance
wad of cashmere

+ wad of cashmere

cashmere yarn Miscellaneous Item NA NA 20
tincture of tail

+ red claw

Clegg's elixir Miscellaneous Item NA NA 400 Gives Electric Smile effect
arm streamers

+ two coconut halves

coconut bikini top Shirt 65 12 180 Take 1 physical damage per round of combat
+10 damage to male foes

+ servomotor

control arm Miscellaneous Item NA NA 90 jetpack component
control arm

+ one-armed harness

control frame Miscellaneous Item NA NA 120 jetpack component
physiology scan code

+ signal processing code

control software Miscellaneous Item NA NA 35 jetpack component

+ control software

control unit Miscellaneous Item NA NA 100 jetpack component
lustrous liquid

+ russet lump

cordial of cogitation Miscellaneous Item NA NA 400 Gives Contemplative effect
transparent tincture

+ compressed data

data draught Miscellaneous Item NA 10 230 Sugar
Gives Moore Power effect
scale mail

+ data plate

data platemail Full-body Suit 140 13 300 Improved computer interaction.
+3 XP per turn
silver comPutty

+ scriptlet Nineveh

databelt Accessory NA 6 90 +4 HP per turn
+4 PP per turn
silver comPutty

+ scriptlet Iram

databoots Boots 7 6 90 +5% Reflexes
+10 offense
silver comPutty

+ scriptlet Beth-zur

dataclub Melee Weapon 70 6 90 +5% Reflexes
+10 offense
silver comPutty

+ scriptlet Sidon

datachoker Accessory NA 6 90 +5% to your maximum Hit Points
+10 dodging ability
silver comPutty

+ scriptlet Kadesh

datagloves Gloves 7 6 90 5% chance to stun opponents
+5 electric damage
silver comPutty

+ scriptlet Ekron

datagun Ranged Weapon 70 6 90 +5% to hit
+5% weapon damage
silver comPutty

+ scriptlet Ur

datahat Helmet 30 6 90 +5% to your maximum Power Points
+5 electric damage
silver comPutty

+ scriptlet Hebron

datapants Pants 35 6 90 +5 XP per combat
-5 seconds to the duration of each turn
silver comPutty

+ scriptlet Jericho

datashield Offhand Item 25 6 90 +10 dodging ability
+5 electric damage
silver comPutty

+ scriptlet Antioch

datashirt Shirt 35 6 90 +5 electric damage
Improved computer interaction
the bomb

+ bowler

demolition derby Helmet 36 6 74 +2 fire damage
metal medal of mettle

+ metal medal of mettle

denser mettle medal Accessory NA NA NA +2 Strength
+2 Intellect
+2 Reflexes
cosmic crystals

+ cosmic crystals

depleted dust Miscellaneous Item NA NA 0 Gives the Cosmic Concentration effect when assembled.
Financial spreadsheet code

+ Statistical analysis code

Destitute Dick's Penny-Pincher Program Miscellaneous Item NA NA 35 Financial Prudence

+ gyro stabilizer

digital rapier Melee Weapon 42 3 46 +10 to hit
+5 to initiative
baggy cargo pants

+ electronic cabling

discount pants Pants 22 NA 22 +3% item drops
-3 Reflexes
-3 to initiative
cosmic crystals

+ nicknack

disposable instant camera Miscellaneous Item NA NA 160 Combat usable
tincture of tooth

+ lizard tail

double plus good draught Miscellaneous Item NA NA 300 HP Restoration
lustrous liquid

+ green residue

draft of dexterity Miscellaneous Item NA NA 400 Gives Flexible effect
wad of cashmere

+ pitch black pajamas

dress pajamas Full-body Suit 60 N/A 500 +5 to initiative
+5 ranged damage - for Gadgeteers only
uncut diamond

+ transparent tincture

dulce de diamante Miscellaneous Item NA NA 230 Sugar
Gives dulce de diamante effect
lustrous liquid

+ greyish scobs

elixir of experience Miscellaneous Item NA NA 400 Gives Entranced effect
seventh of nine

+ gold foil

embossed emblem Accessory NA 4 150 +4% XP per combat
3% chance to stun opponents
uncut emerald

+ transparent tincture

emerald nectar Miscellaneous Item NA NA 200 Sugar
Gives Green Thumb effect
candy shell

+ chocolate chip

en 'n' ens Miscellaneous Item NA 5 100 Sugar
Rainbow's Ark pill

+ Blue Oxford drink

Exigen-C cocktail Miscellaneous Item NA NA 150 Caffeine
long arm of the law

+ the other other hand

extendable hand Miscellaneous Item NA NA 120
transparent tincture

+ eagle feather

feather fluid Miscellaneous Item NA NA 300 Component
gold foil

+ baseball cap

filigreed foil hat Helmet 15 NA 100 +3 weapon damage (ranged or melee)
+3 spell damage
padded tights

+ webbed sand

filter Miscellaneous Item NA NA 30 jetpack component
shattered protest sign

+ sparkler

fizzler Miscellaneous Item NA NA 40 Damage
digital rapier

+ gold foil

foil foil Melee Weapon 60 4 150 +10% to hit
+10% dodging ability
gold foil

+ pile of bricks

foil's gold bricks Miscellaneous Item NA NA 555 Combat usable
caffeine pill

+ cup of coffee

fortified coffee Miscellaneous Item NA NA 32 Caffeine
gold foil

+ royal crown

foyal crown Helmet 45 8 200 +7 XP per combat
+20% base metal drops
aqua melior

+ compressed data

fragmented powder Miscellaneous Item NA NA 270 Gives 1 intellect, 1 reflexes, 1 strength, 1 max HP, and 1 max PP
hands-free pan

+ pan handle

frying pan Melee Weapon 57 5 54 +4 fire damage
fire bladder

+ filter

fuel Miscellaneous Item NA NA 80 jetpack component

+ empty tank

fuel tank Miscellaneous Item NA NA 130 jetpack component

+ trilowatt computer

functioning trilowatt computer Miscellaneous Item NA NA 60
city map code

+ signal processing code

Garcia's Traffic Avoider software‎ Miscellaneous Item NA NA 35 Seeking Solitude

+ smart bandages

gauze rifle Ranged Weapon 80 9 160 +3 HP per turn
+5% to hit
city map code

+ physiology scan code

GigantoFirm LookOut Calendar Miscellaneous Item NA NA 35 Prepunctuality
denim pants

+ gold foil

gilded leggings Pants 15 NA 100 +2 HP per turn
peacekeeping baton

+ pinata

Gingerette hard candy Miscellaneous Item NA NA 20 Sugar
wad of cashmere

+ bunny slippers

goaty slippers Boots 4 N/A 40 +1 Melee damage
+1 HP per turn
blank white card

+ gold foil

gold gift card Miscellaneous Item NA NA 600 Gives 600 chips
gold foil

+ denim jacket

gold-plated poncho Shirt 15 NA 100 +2 PP per turn
golden powder

+ lottery ticket

golden ticket Miscellaneous Item NA NA 165 Creates other items
golden apple

+ lottery ticket

golden ticket Miscellaneous Item NA NA 165 Creates other items
work gloves

+ gold foil

goldfinger gloves Gloves 7 6 200 +8% chips
fish whiskas

+ gold foil

goldfish whiskas Accessory NA 4 100 +7% item drops
glob of goo

+ shell casing

goo bomb Miscellaneous Item NA NA 180 Combat usable
blank white card

+ green residue

green card Miscellaneous Item NA NA 75 Gives Permitted effect
boot polish

+ white elephant gift

grey elephant Miscellaneous Item NA 12 40 Gives Never Forgets effect
aqua melior

+ black flakes

grim pill Miscellaneous Item NA NA 375 Gives Dangerously Dour effect
beanbag cannon

+ Guatemalan pepperjuice

Guatemalan pepper cannon Ranged Weapon 80 7 100 Successful hit weakens opponents (by 5 points).
control unit

+ gyro stabilizer

guidance system Miscellaneous Item NA NA 120 jetpack component
candy shell

+ sour gumball

gum in three acts Miscellaneous Item NA 5 90 Sugar
big honkin' hammer

+ Xelor watch

hammer time Melee Weapon 72 6 130 -5 seconds to the duration of each turn
+3 Melee damage
control unit

+ gyro stabilizer

handle Melee Weapon 38 2 42 No weapon fumbles
jetpack component
trylon strap

+ trylon strap

harness Shirt 30 5 65 +2% item drops
jetpack component
denser mettle medal

+ denser mettle medal

heavy mettle medal Accessory NA NA NA +4 Strength
+4 Intellect
+4 Reflexes
army boots

+ taut sinew

high-jump boots Boots 7 6 80 Grants wearer the ability for super jumps
newt leather

+ denim pants

hot pockets Pants 15 3 55 Take 2 fire damage per round of combat
+50% ice resistance
+2 fire damage
pocket van de graf generator

+ smoldering ash

hot potato Offhand Item NA 11 190 +10% reflexes
city map code

+ statistical analysis code

IMyself blog software Miscellaneous Item NA NA 35 On Camera

+ amethyst ion stone

ion Miscellaneous Item NA NA 35 Combat usable

+ aquamarine ion stone

ion Miscellaneous Item NA NA 35 Combat usable

+ citrine ion stone

ion Miscellaneous Item NA NA 35 Combat usable

+ coral ion stone

ion Miscellaneous Item NA NA 35 Combat usable

+ garnet ion stone

ion Miscellaneous Item NA NA 35 Combat usable

+ iolite ion stone

ion Miscellaneous Item NA NA 35 Combat usable

+ jade ion stone

ion Miscellaneous Item NA NA 35 Combat usable

+ jasper ion stone

ion Miscellaneous Item NA NA 35 Combat usable

+ lapis lazuli ion stone

ion Miscellaneous Item NA NA 35 Combat usable

+ olivine ion stone

ion Miscellaneous Item NA NA 35 Combat usable

+ onyx ion stone

ion Miscellaneous Item NA NA 35 Combat usable

+ spinel ion stone

ion Miscellaneous Item NA NA 35 Combat usable

+ topaz ion stone

ion Miscellaneous Item NA NA 35 Combat usable

+ groundwater

ionic tonic Miscellaneous Item NA NA 35 On Use: Regain 45-65 PP
Combat usable

+ alien mineral water

ionic mineral water Miscellaneous Item NA NA 121 Regain 80-100 PP
can of Gingerelle

+ Ivory Coast spices

Ivory Coast ginger beer Miscellaneous Item NA NA 25 Sugar

+ sour coating

jaw clencher Miscellaneous Item NA 4 60 Sugar
glob of goo

+ laser cannon

jury-rigged splatter Ranged Weapon 1 10 150 +20 acid damage
gold foil

+ comically oversized key

key to the city Miscellaneous Item NA NA 1000
shattered protest sign

+ shattered protest sign

kindling Miscellaneous Item NA NA 2
athelas leaf

+ smart bandages

king's bandages Miscellaneous Item NA 5 1 HP Restoration
legal briefs

+ polyester suit

law suit Full-body Suit 110 10 220 +10 psychic damage
Take 1 psychic damage per round of combat
-20% chips
feather fluid

+ red claw

leached liquid Miscellaneous Item NA NA 400 Gives Leechery effect
long arm of the law

+ string bowstring

long string bow Ranged Weapon 95 10 175 +15 damage to positronic robots
Impeded computer interaction
taut sinew

+ long arm of the law

longbow of the law Ranged Weapon 72 6 78 +5% chips
lover's locket, left half

+ lover's locket, right half

lover's locket Accessory NA 9 150 +2 HP per turn

+2 PP per turn

army boots

+ pile of bricks

low-jump boots Boots 10 9 138 +1 damage absorption -33% Reflexes
tincture of tooth

+ red claw

lupine liquor Miscellaneous Item NA NA 400 Gives Wolfed Out effect
city map code

+ financial spreadsheet code

MacRuff's Mercantile Monitor software Miscellaneous Item NA NA 35 Targeting Trouble
data plate

+ hammer

mangled data plate Miscellaneous Item NA NA 20 Can be decrypted
memory tube

+ smuggler's box

memory box Miscellaneous Item NA NA 98 Combat usable
bag of throwing starfish

+ long arm of the law

morning star Melee Weapon 92 8 130 +5% of weapon damage returned as PP

+ transformer

motor Miscellaneous Item NA NA 46 Gives Automatic for the Weaponeffect
jetpack component
teardrop gem

+ the whole nine yards

mourning star Melee Weapon 105 9 165 +5% of weapon damage returned as HP
blue smoke darts

+ Municipal Targeting Network

municipal darts Ranged Weapon 10 NA NA Bolsters your Offense when the city is under attack
processor spear

+ Municipal Targeting Network

municipal spear Melee Weapon 10 NA NA Bolsters your Offense when the city is under attack
unbranded jalopy

+ glob of goo

mysterious machine Transportation NA 8 130 +1 electric damage
+1 sonic damage
+1 acid damage
newt leather

+ denim jacket

newt leather jacket Shirt 15 3 55 Take 2 fire damage per round of combat
+2 PP per turn
+2 fire damage
knit cap

+ pathway imager

night cap Helmet 40 6 100 Improved resting.
night cap

+ long arm of the law

night club Melee Weapon 82 7 190 +4 sonic damage
control arm

+ sturdy harness

one-armed harness Miscellaneous Item NA NA 80 jetpack component
Schrodinger's Box

+ Astral Monkey's Paw Necklace

Orb of Insight Talisman NA NA NA +15% Intellect
+20% to the duration of auras
-5% Reflexes

+ underpowered PDA

PDA Accessory NA 7 80 +3 XP per combat
jetpack component

+ laser cannon

Pachelbel's cannon Ranged Weapon 85 7 120 +5 sonic damage
outraged political flyer

+ outraged political flyer

paper mache Miscellaneous Item NA 1 1 Component
rave flyer

+ rave flyer

paper mache Miscellaneous Item NA 1 1 Component
outraged political flyer

+ rave flyer

paper mache Miscellaneous Item NA 1 1 Component
Pax Verde life-time membership card

+ Pax Verde life-time membership card

paper mache Miscellaneous Item NA 1 1 Component
paper mache

+ baseball bat

paper machete Melee Weapon 23 NA 15 +2 Melee damage
pearl of wisdom

+ pearl of wisdom

pearl jam Miscellaneous Item NA NA 80 Component
pearl of wisdom

+ platinum necklace

pearl necklace Accessory 0 5 120 +6% psychic damage resistance
athelas leaf

+ budge frownies

perfectly normal brownies Miscellaneous Item NA 2 10 Sugar
ball of strings

+ dust mountain dust

pet dust bunny Offhand Item NA 10 600 Attacker takes +10% electric damage upon successful hit
Impeded computer interaction
lustrous liquid

+ golden powder

philtre of fortune Miscellaneous Item NA NA 400 Gives Feeling Lucky effect
paper mache

+ paper mache

pinata Miscellaneous Item NA 1 15 Gives Feelin' Festive effect
razzberry sticker

+ white elephant gift

pink elephant Miscellaneous Item NA NA NA Gives Pink'd effect
wad of cashmere

+ pure white pajamas

positive thinking pajamas Full-body Suit 60 NA 500 +5% chips
+5 psychic damage - for Psions only
feather fluid

+ red tooth

potion of invisibility Miscellaneous Item NA NA 400 Gives Indivisible effect
tincture of tail

+ eagle feather

potion of the indoors Miscellaneous Item NA NA 400 Gives Very Sheltered effect
wad of cashmere

+ lightning yellow pajamas

power company pajamas Full-body Suit 60 N/A 500 +5 spell damage
+5 electric damage - for Elementals only
mouse's fang

+ processor pin

processor spear Melee Weapon 50 NA 200 Improved computer interaction
+10% spell damage on electric spells
guidance system

+ fuel tank

propulsion system Miscellaneous Item NA NA 150 jetpack component
positron originator

+ U.R.L.

quantum detangler Ranged Weapon 58 7 96 +5% to hit
+8 damage to positronic robots
the whole nine yards

+ quill blade

Quijote's spear Melee Weapon 135 13 290 +15 increased foe toughness.
+20 damage to giants
-50% defense against windmills
gold foil

+ bicycle

racing bike Transportation NA NA 100 +5 to initiative
gold foil

+ your little friend

recoil foil rifle Ranged weapon 72 5 150 +10% to hit
+10% dodging ability
blank white card

+ red pen

red card Miscellaneous Item NA NA 75 Combat usable
capo cap-o

+ eagle feather

robbin' hood Helmet 55 10 160 +3 Ranged damage
+3 to hit
+3% chips
blank white card

+ cup of coffee

Rorschach card Miscellaneous Item NA NA 75 Combat usable
uncut ruby

+ transparent tincture

ruby treacle Miscellaneous Item NA NA 210 Sugar
Gives Seeing Red effect
physiology scan code

+ statistical analysis code

S.M.A.R.T. software Miscellaneous Item NA NA 35 Got S.M.A.R.T.
signal processing code

+ statistical analysis code

S.U.I.T. Software Miscellaneous Item NA NA 35 T.a.I.L.o.R.
uncut sapphire

+ transparent tincture

sapphire syrup Miscellaneous Item NA NA 220 Sugar
Gives Aqua Marine effect
reptile tile

+ taut sinew

scale mail Shirt 65 12 300 +30 to maximum PP
uncut ruby

+ aqua melior

scarlet powder Miscellaneous Item NA NA 250 Gives 3 strength
subscript alpha

+ subscript alpha

scriptlet Antioch Miscellaneous Item NA NA 50
subscript alpha

+ subscript iota

scriptlet Jericho Miscellaneous Item NA NA 50
subscript alpha

+ subscript omicron

scriptlet Ur Miscellaneous Item NA NA 50
subscript beta

+ subscript beta

scriptlet Beth-zur Miscellaneous Item NA NA 50
subscript beta

+ subscript gamma

scriptlet Iram Miscellaneous Item NA NA 50
subscript beta

+ subscript iota

scriptlet Sidon Miscellaneous Item NA NA 50
subscript gamma

+ subscript gamma

scriptlet Ekron Miscellaneous Item NA NA 50
subscript gamma

+ subscript iota

scriptlet Hebron Miscellaneous Item NA NA 50
subscript iota

+ subscript omicron

scriptlet Kadesh Miscellaneous Item NA NA 50
subscript omicron

+ subscript omicron

scriptlet Nineveh Miscellaneous Item NA NA 50
lustrous liquid

+ black flakes

seltzer of sturdiness Miscellaneous Item NA NA 400 Gives Really Pumped effect
pressure plate

+ electronic cabling

sensor mechanism Miscellaneous Item NA NA 41 jetpack component
serpent skin

+ denim jacket

serpentskin vest Shirt 48 9 170 +15 to maximum HP
sensor mechanism

+ motor

servomotor Miscellaneous Item NA NA 70 jetpack component
uncut emerald

+ aqua melior

shamrock powder Miscellaneous Item NA NA 240 Gives 3 intellect
bag of throwing starfish

+ smoldering ash

shooting stars Ranged Weapon 115 10 180 +10 fire damage
short end of the stick

+ string bowstring

short string bow Ranged Weapon 42 5 65 +10 damage to electronic robots
Impeded computer interaction
taut sinew

+ short end of the stick

shortbow of the stick Ranged Weapon 42 3 52 +3% item drops
uncut sapphire

+ aqua melior

smalt powder Miscellaneous Item NA NA 260 Gives 3 reflexes

+ roman candle wand

smoky pack Miscellaneous Item NA NA 60 Gain items when used

+ Snackers candy bar

snicker-snack Miscellaneous Item NA 5 115 Sugar
blue gumball

+ sour coating

sour gumball Miscellaneous Item NA 2 50 Sugar
green gumball

+ sour coating

sour gumball Miscellaneous Item NA 2 50 Sugar
pink gumball

+ sour coating

sour gumball Miscellaneous Item NA 2 50 Sugar
uncut diamond

+ aqua melior

sparkling powder Miscellaneous Item NA NA 270 Gives 3 max HP and 3 max PP
gold foil

+ sturdy boots

stamped boots of stamping Boots 8 7 200 Attacker takes 6 damage
+2 damage absorption
duct tape

+ leather gloves

sticky gloves Gloves 1 NA 60 +3% item drops
cosmic crystals

+ photonic chiller

stranglet needle Melee Weapon 94 10 157 +10 damage to positronic robots
string necklace

+ compressed data

string bling Accessory NA 10 150 +10 foe toughness
Increased chance of combat adventures
styrofoam lid

+ styrofoam lid

styrofoam bomb Miscellaneous Item NA NA 12 Combat usable
heavy mettle medal

+ heavy mettle medal

supersolid mettle medal Accessory NA NA NA +8 Strength
+8 Intellect
+8 Reflexes
lab coat

+ flashlight

suspicious trench coat Full-body Suit 92 9 161 +4 psychic damage
Schrodinger's Box

+ Orb of Insight

Swedish Navy Wrench Talisman NA NA NA +15% Reflexes
+10 dodging ability
-5% Strength
candy shell

+ sweet pod

sweet snap Miscellaneous Item NA 7 300 Sugar
glob of goo

+ Spice Coast gold

teardrop gem Miscellaneous Item NA NA 350 Component
teardrop gem

+ platinum necklace

teardrop necklace Accessory NA 8 144 +10% acid damage resistance
short end of the stick

+ long arm of the law

the whole nine yards Melee Weapon 83 7 110 +10 Strength
fusion pack

+ pronged javelin

Thor's bolts Ranged Weapon 80 7 105 +8 electric damage
Schrodinger's Box

+ Swedish Navy Wrench

Thunder in a Bottle Talisman NA NA NA Using skills costs -2 PP
+10% to your maximum Power Points
-3 Melee damage
transparent tincture

+ lizard tail

tincture of tail Miscellaneous Item NA NA 300 Component
transparent tincture

+ red tooth

tincture of tooth Miscellaneous Item NA NA 300 Component
foul spirits

+ lump of carmot

transparent tincture Miscellaneous Item NA NA 250 Component
financial spreadsheet code

+ functioning trilowatt computer

trilowatt finance system Miscellaneous Item NA NA 70 Understudy skill
functioning trilowatt computer

+ physiology scan code

trilowatt physiology interpreter Miscellaneous Item NA NA 70 Understudy skill
functioning trilowatt computer

+ signal processing code

trilowatt signaling unit Miscellaneous Item NA NA 70 Understudy skill
smoldering ash

+ smudged sweater

tropical fleece Shirt 60 11 200 +5 ice damage
+5% fire resistance
wad of cashmere

+ smudged sweater

ugly cashmere sweater Shirt 44 3 100 +6 foe toughness
broken PDA

+ memory tube

underpowered PDA Accessory NA 5 60 +1 XP per combat
jetpack component
discount pants

+ pearl jam

viscount pants Pants 30 5 51 +3% Intellect
wad of cash

+ mere

wad of cashmere Miscellaneous Item NA NA 10
short end of the stick

+ embiggening tonic

wand of compensation Melee Weapon 60 5 80 Successful hit weakens opponents
badly bent knife

+ shattered protest sign

weird sculpture Offhand Item 0 1 0 +2 Intellect
peacekeeping baton

+ pinata

Woofers & Tweeters Miscellaneous Item NA NA 20 Sugar
fusion pack

+ taser

zapper Ranged Weapon 55 4 57 +5 electric damage
bow of hazard

+ Xelor watch

Zeno's bow Ranged Weapon 72 6 90 -5 seconds to the duration of each turn
+1 extra attack(s) per turn